开展PBL(Project Based Learning)教学合作研究,并作PBL教学报告。
报告1:AIIT PBL Method to Develop Professional Engineering
报告人简介:Prof. Hiroshi Hashimoto received his Ph.D. degree in Doctor of Engineering from the Department of Science and Engineering Waseda University in 1990. He worked as Lecturer, Associate Professor, and Professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology from April 1990 to March 2008. Since March 2008, he has been Professor at Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology. Now, he is the head of Master Program of Innovation for Design and Engineering, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology. He was visiting researcher at Department of Science and Engineering of Waseda University from June 1990 to March 1993, and was visiting researcher at The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) from April 2005 to March 2006.
报告2:Enhancing Customer’s Boyalty at Beauty Salon
报告人简介:Yoshitaka KITAMURA Director, AB&Company, Co. Ltd. Master program of Innovation for Design and Engineering, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology.
报告3:Relationship Between Color and Emotion and Service Value
报告人简介:Naohito KAJIWARA Head of Digital Solution Direction, D2C, Co. Ltd. Master program of Innovation for Design and Engineering, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology.
报告4:Skill Transfer Based on Service Engineering
报告人简介:Takayuki ISHII CEO of Ishii Takayuki Administrative Scrivener’s Office. Master program of Innovation for Design and Engineering, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology.
报告5:Controlling Customer’s Value on Weight Reduction Service by Behavioural Psychology
报告人简介:Chisato MAKINO Ph.D. in Bio-engineering. Head of Bio-Fine Lab., AJINOMOTO Co. Ltd. Master program of Innovation for Design and Engineering, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology.