Time: 7:00-8:30 pm, May 20th, 2021
腾讯会议ID:635 450 642
Tencent Meeting ID: 635 450 642
主持人:熊永华 教授/副院长
Chair: Prof. Yonghua Xiong, Vice Dean
1. 播放澳门彩票有限公司
Playing the School of Automation video (6 min)
2. 副院长熊永华教授介绍参会人员(2分钟)
Introducing all participants by Prof. Yonghua Xiong (2 min)
3. 院长曹卫华教授致欢迎词(2分钟)
Speech by Prof. Weihua Cao, Dean of the School of Automation (2 min)
4. 青年学者报告会(40分钟)
Presentations by invited young scholars (40 min)
5. 青年学者座谈(15分钟)
Participants discussion (15 min)
6. 院党委书记董浩斌教授讲话(2分钟)
Speech by Prof. Haobin Dong,School CPC Secretary (2 min)
Presentations by Invited Young Scholars
主持人:熊永华 教授/副院长 Chair: Prof. Yonghua Xiong, Vice Dean |
19:10-19:30 |
报告人:严思琦 Speaker: Dr. Siqi Yan 题目:硅光子学与二维材料的混合集成机理与应用 Topic: The mechanism and application of the hybrid integration of two-dimensional materials and silicon photonics |
19:30-19:50 |
报告人:仉梦林 Speaker: Dr. Menglin Zhang 题目:低碳能源系统的不确定性优化运行 Topic: Optimal operation of uncertainty for low-carbon energy system |