




June 15, 2023

杰出学者报告会 信息楼310

Outstanding   Scholar Lecture Series  No. 310 Lecture Hall, Information Building

09:00 – 09:40

报告人:王庆国 教授,北京师范大学

Speaker: Prof. Qingguo Wang, Beijing Normal University

题 目:网络时代数据贫乏的系统辨识

Topic: System identification with poor data in network era

09:40 – 10:20

报告人:林威 教授,美国凯斯西储大学

Speaker: Prof. Wei Lin, Case Western Reserve University

题  目:非线性系统输入延迟容限的半全局框架

Topic: A semiglobal framework for input delay tolerance of nonlinear systems

10:40 – 11:20

报告人:李慧平 教授,西北工业大学

Speaker: Prof. Huiping Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University


Topic: Economic planning and predictive control of marine vehicles

11:20 – 12:00

报告人:方浩 教授,北京理工大学

Speaker: Prof. Hao Fang, Beijing Institute of Technology

题  目:动态受限环境下多机器人拓扑优化,行为规划与安全控制

Topic:   Multi-robot topology optimization, behavior planning and safety control in   dynamic constrained environments

教师科研能力提升研讨会 信息楼316

Seminars on Improvement of Scientific Research Abilities, No. 316 Meeting Room

主持人:陈鑫 教授,中国地质大学(武汉)

Chair Prof. Xin Chen, China University of Geoscience

软体机器人专题研讨会 信息楼718

Seminar on Soft Robotics, No. 718 Meeting Room

主持人:苏春翌 教授,加拿大康考迪亚大学

Chair: Prof. hunyi Su, Concordia University


June 16, 2023

杰出学者报告会 信息楼310

Outstanding Scholar Lecture Series  No. 310 Lecture Hall, Information Building

09:00 – 09:40

报告人:张卫东 教授,上海交通大学

Speaker: Prof. Weidong Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

题  目:海上无人系统感知与控制关键技术

Topic: Key technologies of maritime unmanned system perception and control

09:40 – 10:20

报告人:兰旭光 教授,西安交通大学

Speaker: Prof. Xuguang Lan, Xi'an Jiaotong University

题  目:大模型时代机器人自主作业的挑战:行为智能的因果推理与学习

Topic: Challenges of robotic autonomous operations in the large-scale model era: causal reasoning and learning for behavioral intelligence

博士后报告会 信息楼316

Postdoctoral Fellow Report  No. 316 Meeting Room, Information Building

10:40 – 12:00

报告人:王瑶为 博士后,中国地质大学(武汉)

Speaker: Dr. Yaowei Wang, China University of Geosciences

题  目:网络化多轴运动系统的抗干扰与优化同步控制

Topic: Disturbance rejection and optimal synchronization control of networked Multi-axis Motion Systems


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