The 3rd CUG Forum for International Young Scholars
Workshop on Automation and Measurement & Control Technology
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, March 24-26, 2019
3月24日(周日)March 24, Sunday
时间 Time |
内容 Program |
地点 Venue |
参与人员 Participants |
全天 Whole day |
报到 Registration |
东区迎宾楼大厅 Lobby,Yingbin Hotel |
特邀青年学者 Invited Young Scholars |
17:00-18:30 |
晚餐(自助餐) Dinner |
震旦园餐厅大厅 Zhendanyuan Restaurant |
特邀青年学者 Invited Young Scholars |
19:00 |
欢迎晚会/联欢会 Welcome Party |
西区大学生活动中心 Student Center |
熊永华教授,张中元 Prof. Yonghua Xiong, Zhongyuan Zhang |
3月25日(周一)March 25, Monday
时间 Time |
内容 Program |
地点 Venue |
参与人员 Participants |
8:30-11:40 |
论坛开幕式 Opening Ceremony |
东区迎宾楼报告厅 Lecture Theater, Yingbin Hotel |
熊永华教授,学科骨干,张中元, Prof. Yonghua Xiong, academic leaders, Zhongyuan Zhang |
12:00 |
午餐 Lunch |
东区震旦园餐厅 Zhendanyuan Restaurant |
特邀青年学者 Invited Young Scholars |
14:30-15:30 |
参观校园,参观逸夫博物馆 Campus tour; Visiting Yifu Museum |
逸夫博物馆 Yifu Museum |
学生志愿者(谭文伦协调) Student volunteers |
15:30-17:00 |
学院座谈交流会 Discussions |
信息楼316会议室 Meeting Room 316, Information Building |
学院领导,教师代表 Deans and CPC Secretaries, Representative faculty members |
18:00-20:00 |
论坛欢迎晚宴 Welcome Dinner |
东区震旦园餐厅 Zhendanyuan Restaurant |
熊永华教授,学科骨干,张中元 Prof. Yonghua Xiong, academic leaders, Zhongyuan Zhang |
3月26日(星期二)March 26, Tuesday
时间 Time |
内容 Program |
报告人 Lecturer |
地点 Venue |
参与人员 Participants |
8:30-8:50 |
学术报告 负虚系统反馈控制及性质分析Feedback Control and Properties Analysis of Negative Imaginary Systems |
刘梅 Mei Liu |
信息楼310学术报告厅 Lecture Theater 310 Information Building |
主持人:熊永华 教授 Chair: Prof. Yonghua Xiong 宗小峰 教授 Prof. Xiaofeng Zong 全体教师 All faculty members 学院研究生 Graduate students 人事处、教务处相关人员 Staff from Teaching Affairs Department and HR Department |
8:50-9:10 |
学术报告 复杂动态二阶多智能体系统的固定时间一致性控制 Fixed-time consensus tracking control for complex dynamic second-order multi-agent systems |
黄艺 Yi Huang |
9:10-9:30 |
学术报告 电动汽车无线充电技术研究 Wireless inductive power transfer for electric vehicle charging |
黄智聪 Zhicong Huang |
9:30-9:50 |
学术报告 柔性可穿戴传感器的构建与应用基础研究 Construction and Application of Flexible and Wearable Sensors |
廖新勤 Xinqin Liao |
9:50-10:10 |
茶歇(孔娟负责) Tea Break |
信息楼324图书资料室 Reference Room 324 |
10:10-10:30 |
学术报告 高功率密度高开关频率高效率变换器应用中的电磁重游 Revisiting the Electromagnetism in Power Converter Application with High Power Density High Switching Frequency and High Efficiency |
刘勇 Yong Liu |
信息楼310学术报告厅 Lecture Theater 310 Information Building |
10:30-10:50 |
学术报告 基于信号时序逻辑的信息物理系统解析 Cyber-physical system interpretation with signal temporal logic |
陈刚 Gang Chen |
10:50-11:10 |
学术报告 基于自旋霍尔磁阻效应的新型自旋传感器研究 A Novel Spin Sensor based on Spin Hall Magnetoresistance Effect |
惠亚娟 Yajuan Hui |
11:10-11:30 |
学术报告 镜像交互学习中运动协同的建模与控制 Modeling and Control of Social Motor Coordination in the Mirror Game |
翟超 Chao Zhai |
12:00-14:00 |
午餐 Lunch |
震旦园餐厅(自助餐) Zhendanyuan Restaurant |
14:00-16:00 |
自由交流与活动 Free exchanges and activities |
16:00-17:00 |
参观实验室 Visiting Laboratories |
集合地点:信息楼一楼大厅 Information Building lobby |
李勇波副教授,宋俊磊副教授,刘小波副教授 A/Prof. Yongbo Li, A/Prof. Junlei Song, A/Prof. Xiaobo Liu |
18:00 |
学院欢迎晚宴 Welcome Dinner by School of Automation |
学院领导,熊永华教授,李儒胜主任(统筹安排) School leaders, Prof. Yonghua Xiong, Office Director Rusheng Li |
特邀青年学者Invited Young Scholars
陈刚 Gang Chen |
博士研究生 PhD candidate |
加州大学戴维斯分校,美国 University of California, Davis, US |
刘梅 Mei Liu |
研究助理 Research assistant |
香港大学 The University of Hong Kong |
刘勇 Yong Liu |
博士后研究员 Postdoctoral Researcher |
弗吉尼亚理工大学,美国 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, US |
黄艺 Yi Huang |
博士研究生 PhD candidate |
北京航空航天大学 Beihang University |
惠亚娟 Yajuan Hui |
博士后研究员 Postdoctoral Researcher |
新加坡国立大学,新加坡 National University of Singapore, Singapore |
黄智聪 Zhicong Huang |
博士后研究员 Postdoctoral Researcher |
澳门大学 University of Macau |
廖新勤 Xinqin Liao |
博士后研究员 Postdoctoral Researcher |
南洋理工大学,新加坡 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
翟超 Chao Zhai |
博士后研究员 Postdoctoral Researcher |
南洋理工大学,新加坡 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Participants: Workshop on Automation and Measurement & Control Technology
吴敏 Min Wu |
教授/院长 Professor/Dean |
李勇波 Yongbo Li |
副教授/自动控制系副主任 Associate Professor/Vice Director, Department of Automatic Control |
董浩斌 Haobin Dong |
教授/院党委书记 Professor/School CPC Secretary |
李志华 Zhihua Li |
副教授/测控技术与仪器系主任 Associate Professor/Director, Department of Measurement & Control Technology |
何勇 Yong He |
教授/学术分委员会主任 Professor/Director of Academic Subcommittee |
晋芳 Fang Jin |
副教授/测控技术与仪器系书记 Associate Professor/CPC Secretary, Department of Measurement & Control Technology |
曹卫华 Weihua Cao |
教授/副院长 Professor/Vice Dean |
董凯锋 Kaifeng Dong |
教授/院长助理/测控技术与仪器系副主任 Professor/Assistant Dean/Vice Director, Department of Measurement & Control Technology |
王广君 Guangjun Wang |
教授/副院长 Professor/Vice Dean |
宋俊磊 Junlei Song |
副教授/测控技术与仪器系副主任 Associate Professor/Vice Director, Department of Measurement & Control Technology |
金星 Xing Jin |
教授/副院长 Professor/Vice Dean |
李长河 Changhe Li |
教授/自动化研究所副所长 Professor/Vice Director, Institute of Automation |
熊永华 Yonghua Xiong |
教授/院长助理/自动控制系主任 Professor/Assistant Dean/Director, Department of Automatic Control |
李儒胜 Rusheng Li |
院长助理/院办主任 Assistant Dean/School Office Director |
吴涛 Tao Wu |
副教授/自动控制系书记 Associate Professor/CPC Secretary, Department of Automatic Control |
安剑奇 Jianqi An |
副教授/院长助理 Associate Professor/Assistant Dean |
宗小峰 Xiaofeng Zong |
教授/院长助理/自动控制系副主任 Professor/Vice Director, Department of Automatic Control |
陈略峰 Luefeng Chen |
副教授/院长助理 Associate Professor/Assistant Dean |
全体教师、部分研究生、教务处和人事处相关人员 Faculty members and graduate students from School of Automation; staff of Teaching Affairs Department and HR Department |