School of Automation Forum
时间:2020年5月20日晚20:20-21:30 Time: 8:20-9:30 pm, May 20th, 2020 |
腾讯会议ID:917 575 683 Tencent Meeting ID: 917 575 683 |
主持人:熊永华 教授/副院长 Chair: Prof. Yonghua Xiong, Vice Dean |
议程: Agenda: 1. 副院长熊永华教授介绍参会人员 Introducing all attendees by Prof. Yonghua Xiong, Vice Dean 2. 播放澳门彩票有限公司
宣传视频 Play the School of Automation video 3. 院党委书记董浩斌教授致欢迎辞并介绍学院情况 Welcome speech and introduction by Prof. Haobin Dong, School CPC Secretary 4. 学院青年教师代表发言 Talks by newly recruited young teachers 5. 青年学者座谈 Talks by participating young scholars 6. 院长吴敏教授讲话 Speech by Prof. Min Wu, Dean of School of Automation |
特邀青年学者报告会 Talks by Invited Young Scholars |
时间:2020年5月21日上午8:30-12:00 Time: 08:30-12:00 am, May 21st, 2020 |
腾讯会议ID:214 505 511 Tencent Meeting ID: 214 505 511 |
主持人:熊永华 教授/副院长 Chair: Prof. Yonghua Xiong, Vice Dean |
08:30-09:00 |
报告人:陈剑飞 Speaker: Dr. Jianfei Chen 题目:多电平变换器拓扑与控制方法研究 Topic: Research on Topologies and Control Methods of Multilevel Converters |
09:00-09:30 |
报告人:王文晋 Speaker: Dr. Wenjin Wang 题目:大尺度高速水下无人试验艇控制系统研制 Topic: Control System Design for Large-scale High-speed Unmanned Underwater Vehicles |
09:30-10:00 |
报告人:郑 曼 Speaker: Dr. Man Zheng 题目:贝叶斯系统辨识:正系统辨识问题和辨识输入设计问题 Topic: Bayesian system identification: positive system identification and input design problem |
主持人:宗小峰 教授/副院长 Chair: Prof. Xiaofeng Zong, Vice Dean |
10:00-10:30 |
报告人:徐 达 Speaker: Dr. Da Xu 题目:基于电转氨气储能的综合能源微网多能耦合机理与分布式协同调度研究 Topic: Multi-Energy Coupling Mechanism and Coordinated Operation of Distributed P2A Driven Multi-Energy Microgrids |
10:30-11:00 |
报告人:陈丰伟 Speaker: Dr. Fengwei Chen 题目:无线充电系统的数据驱动建模 Topic: Data-Driven Modeling of Wireless Charging Systems |
11:00-11:30 |
报告人:李 珏 Speaker: Dr. Jue Li 题目:基于认知的工程设备操作人因失误研究 Topic: Research on human error of construction equipment operation based on cognition |