






报告题目:An Economy Oriented Control Approach to Energy Storage System of Wind Generation

内容简介:It is well-known that the power output of renewable energy generation fluctuates continually and results in poor power quality. So, a key technology issue is how to smooth the power output of renewable energy generation. For this purpose, battery is used as the energy storage hardware. On the other hand, the economy issue, i.e. how to lower the installation and management costs of energy storage system (ESS), heavily depends on the control technology.

In this talk, I will introduce the research outcomes in our group. The key ideas of our approach are

1) Take the dynamics of power grid into consideration and only compensates the power fluctuation in the necessary frequency band;

2) Derive the bounds of ESS energy/power rating via the worst-case analysis;

3) Establish control design tools for the minimization of these bounds;

4) Operate the ESS in such a way that prolongs the lifetime of battery.

I will also touch on the issue of cooperation between wind generators and ESS.

报告人简介:Prof. Kang-Zhi Liu graduated from the aviation automatic control department of northwest China university of technology in 1984. He received M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering of chiba university in 1988 and 1991 respectively. He worked in the department of engineering of chiba university and is now a professor of electrical and electronic engineering. He was a professor at northwestern polytechnic University and a visiting professor at Beijing University of science and technology.The main areas of his work are control theory and its industrial applications, especially in the field of robust control and nonlinear control. In this field, he has published six books individually and jointly (Japanese, Chinese and English), including the English monograph published by Wiley press in 2016. Due to the academic contribution made in this field, he has won the academic award of the Japanese automatic control institute for the academic award and the award of excellent paper 3 times. He recently worked on smart grid and electric drive technology. Dr. Kangzhi Liu has been the head of the control group of the automatic control society of Japan and the editorial board of the proceedings of the committee, the chairman of the committee of CCC-SICE Joint Conference in 2015, and Deputy editor of the two international academic journals. He has been selected as director of the 2017 annual automatic control society.


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