

自动化学术论坛[2018第6期]:日本东京工科大学Yuto Oba学术报告会



报告地点:信息楼澳门彩票有限公司 310报告厅

人:Yuto Oba,日本东京工科大学(Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)

报告题目:Collision Avoidance Support for Power-Assisted Omni-Directional Mobile Robot

内容简介:Power-assisted omni-directional mobile robots are effective to carrying heavy objects at tight paces. However, in the practical use, a collision avoidance support is necessary because there is a danger of collision by the operator's carelessness and the operational mistake. The motion of the mobile robot operated by a human should be decided mainly by the intention of the operator. Therefore, in this research, an operation support method encourages the operation to avoid a collision by presenting the existence of the obstacle to the operator is proposed.


2017- Grad student at Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology

2017 B.S in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan


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