




报告地点:信息楼澳门彩票有限公司 310报告厅

人:陈本美 教授,新加坡国立大学

报告题目:Development of Intelligent Unmanned Aerial Systems for Industrial Applications

内容简介:In this talk, we aim to report some advanced unmanned aerial systems (UAS) developed for real industrial applications. More specifically, we will cover the technical development of UAS for deep tunnel inspection and warehouse inventory counting, which both require the UAS to navigate through in cluttered and GPS-denied environments and perform necessary missions fully autonomously and intelligently. The unmanned systems have been intensively tested and proven to be effective and efficient in real applications.

报告人简介:Prof. Ben M. Chen is currently a Professor and Provost's Chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore. He is also serving as the Director of NUS ECE Control, Intelligent Systems and Robotics Area, and Head of Control Science Group, NUS Temasek Laboratories. His current research interests are in unmanned systems, robust control, control applications, and financial market modeling.

Dr. Chen is an IEEE Fellow. He has published more than 400 journal and conference articles, and a dozen research monographs including Robust and H∞ Control (Springer, New York, 2000), Hard Disk Drive Servo Systems (Springer, 1st Edition, 2002; 2nd Edition, New York, 2006), Linear Systems Theory (Birkhäuser, Boston, 2004), Unmanned Rotorcraft Systems (Springer, New York, 2011), and Stock Market Modeling and Forecasting (Springer, New York, 2013). He had served on the editorial boards of several international journals including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Systems & Control Letters, and Automatica. He currently serves as an Editor-in-Chief of Unmanned Systems. He has been invited to deliver keynote and plenary speeches at international conferences and events held in USA, China, Canada, U.K., France, Japan, Australia, India and Malaysia.

Dr. Chen has received a number of research awards nationally and internationally. His research team has actively participated in international UAV competitions, and won quite a few championship awards in the contests, including recent ones – the indoor competition champion and the outdoor competition champion at the 2017 International Micro Air Vehicles Competition, held in Toulouse, France, September 2017.


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