
报 告 人:张李军 博士,南非比勒陀利亚大学
(Energy Systems Optimisation and Model Predictive Control)
内容简介:Moving towards a green economy has never been a pressing task as today. Scientific methods to mitigate resource depletion and greenhouse gas emission is of much needed in this regard. This talk addresses the energy efficiency improvement of energy systems from optimization and control systems perspectives in an effort to mitigate global problems such as resource depletion and global warming. Particular examples on several industrial processes and vehicular systems are covered. A brief summary of the presenter’s work in this field is then given followed by some insights into future works.
报告人简介:张李军,南非工学博士,现任比勒陀利亚大学高级讲师。研究方向主要是:能源系统建模,优化与控制,电动汽车,工业过程、和微网能效优化控制。IEEE会员,南非注册工程师,《Applied Energy》,《Control Engineering Practice》, 《IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems》,《Energy Conversion and Management》等十余国际刊物的审稿人。目前已发表期刊学术论文十余篇,其中被SCI收录13篇(H index: 8,论文被引用超过200次),主持国家级科研项目2项,工业赞助项目2项和校级项目1项。参与多项南非国家和国际合作项目。