
报 告 人:孙立 博士,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学
(Key Technologies of Power Electronics in Intelligent Vehicle Development)
内容简介:Electric vehicles (EVs) adopting both batteries and supercapacitors have attracted a significant amount of attention in research communities due to their unique power-sharing capabilities.A hybrid energy storage system (HESS) can effectively reduce power stress that would, otherwise, be applied to batteries alone,and whose weight and size is still a common concern when competing against conventional internal-combustion-engine-powered cars. In this talk, a high-level algorithm is developed to adaptively split the load between two sources for an EV adopting HESS under real-life load fluctuations. A converter—supercapacitor pack (SP) coupled HESS upon which such an algorithm is deployed on, is proposed to divert excess power into the SP via a smart power converter, which is located in between in order to regulate both behaviors. A power-split strategy is designed to track real-time load profiles and determine one important variable: the cutoff frequency. As a consequence, relatively higher frequency portion of the load power gets channeled to the SP, and the remaining less varying power demand is sent to the BP based on the fundamental energy-balancing equation. A simplified HESS model is developed in MATLAB, and the real-time power-split algorithm is coded using Labview and verified on a test rig. Both simulation and experimental results prove its effectiveness in coping with even the harshest driving scenarios in real life.
报告人简介:孙立,2003年毕业于华东理工大学机械工程系,辅修电子工程。2006年移居澳大利亚,2006-2012年,在澳大利亚一汽车零部件公司,福特澳洲汽车公司分别担任机电工程师,产品开发工程师,团队成功开发澳大利亚第一款涡轮增压柴油SUV,参与研发福特澳大利亚第一款LED日间行驶灯的开发工作,并投入澳洲市场。2012-2013年,于澳大利亚RMIT大学主修电子工程硕士学位,主攻电力电子,全科GPA 4.0 ,获优秀学生奖。2013-2016年,于澳大利亚悉尼科技大学新能源汽车创新中心,获得工科博士学位(机电工程),独立开发新颖双动力新能源混合动力系统,获最佳海报奖,擅长电力电子,控制系统开发,算法开发,视觉感知,系统集成。SAE会员,IEEE会员。