
报 告 人:Nakanishi Yosuke,日本早稻田大学(Waseda University)教授
报告题目:Geographic Information of Transmission Planning for Wind Power
内容简介:The 4D-GIS platform is applied to the design of wind power transmission networks and the operation support of microgrid clusters. For the design of wind power transmission networks, a cost surface integrates geographic, economic, and environmental conditions. Then, combination of the modified Prim’s search and the GA generates acceptable transmission networks. For the operation support of microgrids, microgrid clusters were defined, and power consumption data and equipment health data were collected into Power Information Platforms.
报告题目:Load Frequency Control in Power System with Renewable Energy
内容简介:Power fluctuation due to intermittent renewable energy becomes larger than demand fluctuation. Inertia of PV/WT is small, so the power deviation becomes faster and makes an impact to system frequency. LFC control approach which considered EDC’s responsibility and prediction deviation of probabilistic stabilize the frequency and imbalance of power with energy system.
报告题目:Energy Management System for Renewable Energy
内容简介:The Kitakyushu Smart Community Creation Project (council) was selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan in April 2010 as a smart community demonstration pilot project. The developed EMS was Community Energy Management System (CEMS) with cooperative x-EMS such as HEMS, BEMS, FEMS and so on, to realize the concept “Local production for local consumption” using renewable energy and both demand and supply control. Based on the community involvement, social demonstration of demand response is conducted and reviewed by way of both dynamic pricing and incentive program.
报告人简介:Yosuke Nakanishi received the degree of B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Waseda University and Ph.D. from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1978, 1980, and 1996 respectively. He joined Fuji Electric Co. in 1980. After starting his career in R&D section, he has mainly dedicated himself to Power system analysis work as well as development of power system simulators and engineering programs for monitoring control systems. Now, he is a professor of the Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering in Waseda University. His research interests include simulation and analysis of power systems and distribution power systems. He received a Prize Paper Award from IEEE Power Engineering Education committee 1991. He is a senior member of the IEE of Japan, a member of IEEE and a member of CIGRE. He is also a convenor of Investigation Committee on Grid Technologies for large amount of Wind Power, IEEJ, and a member of Investigation Committee on history of power system analysis, IEEJ.