




题   目Two-Loop Power-Flow Control of Grid-Connected Microgridwith PV and Wind Sources

时  间: 1127日下午3

地  点:信息楼3楼学术报告厅


摘  要:

Because of environment pollution and energy shortage, wind power and solar power with the advantages of clean, affordable, and domestic have been widely used recently. Distributed generation(DG) system is emerging as a complementary infrastructure to the power system to make use of wind and solar renewable energies. With more and more DG systems being integrated to the utility grid, a new concept of power grid, microgrid, was introduced as a small power system to group parallel DG systems and a cluster of loads in a local area,and was developed rapidly in the last decade. Large penetration of DG systems in distribution networks makes power control and stability maintenance of microgrid difficult. Inverter-based DG systems affect the stability of the microgrid by generating or consuming active and reactive power. In this presentation, a power management system of a grid-connected microgrid with wind and solar DG systems is introduced. Two kinds of two-loop power flow control method designed based on equivalent-input-disturbance approach to control the inverters in the DG systemsareexplained. The two-loop power flow control system for the inverter of the wind DG system stabilizes voltage of the sensitive local load and ensures that there is only active power flowing from the utility grid to the sensitive local load. The two-loop power flow control system for the inverter of the photovoltaic DG systemcontrols maximum power flowing from photovoltaic DG system to the sensitive local load to make full use of the solar energy. Both control systems eliminate the undesired effects of voltage sag and swell in utility grid on power quality.


简  历

She received her Bachelor's Degreeinautomation in 2009 and finished her Master's course incontrol science and control engineering in 2011 from Central South University, Changsha, China. In 2014, she received her Doctor's degree from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. She is currently a researcher in the Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Her research interests include control theory, distributed generation, power electronic converters, and power quality. In 2014, she received the “Best Paper Award” in ICEE.

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