



报告题目:Smart grid control and operation

报 告 人:蒋林博士(Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, The University of Liverpool,UK


地    点:信息楼3楼310学术报告厅


内容摘要:The "smart grid" has come to describe a next-generation electrical power system that is typified by the increased use of information and communications technology (ICT) in the generation, delivery and consumption of electrical energy. Development of smart grid technologies aims at improving the efficiency of current power grid/energy grid, accommodating more intermittent renewable energy sources and enhancing the reliability of the power grid. This talk will introduces the currently developed smart grid technologies, the challenges and opportunities of smart grid control caused by the usage of ICT, and some results about wide-area control of smart grid.


个人简介:蒋林分别于1992、1996年于华中理工大学(现在华中科技大学)电力系统自动化专业获工学学士和硕士学位;2001年获英国利物浦大学电力工程专业博士学位。现为英国利物浦大学电气电子工程系高级讲师。美国电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)会员,英国电气工程师学会(IEE)会员。目前研究方向为智能电网优化和控制,电动汽车/电机驱动,和风力发电控制和并网运行等。近年在国际权威期刊和一流国际学术会议上发表近100篇论文 SCI 50 篇)。正在主持、参与的研究项目包括5项英国工程与物理科学研究委员会(EPSRC)资助的研究项目,2项工业界资助的项目和1项中国国家自然科学基金的合作项目。


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