




报告地点:信息楼310澳门彩票有限公司 学术报告厅

人 :廣田薰,日本东京工业大学

Tokyo Institute of Technology),教授

报告题目:Multi-agent Smart Society based on Concept of Fuzzy Atmosfield & Brief Introduction to JSPS Programs

内容简介:The presenter’s research group has been studying on humans-robots interaction in the frame work of multiagent smart society, where a concept of Fuzzy Atmosfield (FA) is proposed to express the atmosphere in humans-robots communication. The FA is characterized by a 3D fuzzy cubic space with “friendly-hostile”, “lively-calm”, and “casual-formal” based on a cognitive science experiments and PCA. To understand easily such movement of the atmosphere, a graphical representation method is also proposed. To illustrate the FA and its visualization method, a demonstration scenario “Routine of a Beloved Employee” is introduced.

Then, as a director of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Beijing office, a brief introduction to various JSPS programs for Chinese scholars is presented.

Lastly, if there is some time, part of recent research results will be referred, e.g., RTM and Interrupt Problem, Smart Distance Education System, and application to Online Shopping.


   廣田薰教授历任国际模糊系统协会(IFSA)主席(2010-2012)和日本智能信息模糊学会会长(2001-2003),现任IFSA终身Fellow2011年起),《Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics》期刊主编,《International Journal of Fuzzy Systems》期刊副主编,《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》期刊编委,担任日本富士电机、CSK综合研究所、SolitonMycom等大公司的高级顾问,曾任《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》和《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》副主编。廣田薰教授同时兼任日本学术振兴学会(JSPS)北京代表处所长、庆应义塾大学、法政大学、大阪电气通信大学、法国拉彭兰塔理工大学和泰国诗纳卡宁威洛大学等高校的客座教授,以及日本东京工业大学、匈牙利赛尔塞切尼伊什特万大学、菲律宾德拉萨大学和比立勤国立大学等高校的名誉教授。

廣田薰教授长期从事智能机器人、人工智能、计算智能、模糊系统和图像识别及相关学科领域的教学与科研工作,是一位在模糊系统、计算智能和控制工程领域有着重要影响的国际知名专家。先后主持承担日本文部科学省项目、新能源工业技术开发组织项目以及企业合作科研项目26项,在国际及日本重要学术期刊和会议发表论文836篇,出版著作55部。获得杰出教授、突出贡献和最佳论文等国际学术奖励62项,主要包括IEEE计算智能学会(IEEE Computational Intelligence Society)杰出教授称号、日本智能信息模糊学会和日本音响学会优秀论文奖等。


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