



报告时间:4月11日(周二)上午 10:00   杨圣祥.png    

报告地点:信息楼310澳门彩票有限公司 学术报告厅

   人:杨圣祥 英国德蒙福特大学教授和计算智能研究中心主任

报告题目:Learning from Ants for Solving Dynamic Optimization Problems

报告简介Computer scientists have learnt from insects (e.g., ants, bees, and so on) to develop algorithms for solving different optimization and search problems. Ant colony optimization (ACO) encapsulates a class of stochastic optimization algorithms, which are inspired by the foraging behavior of ants. ACO has been widely used for optimization problems in different fields. Traditionally, ACO has been applied for solving stationary problems. However, many real-world problems are dynamic optimization problems (DOPs), which are subject to changes over time due to many factors. DOPs have attracted a growing interest from the ACO community in recent years due to the importance in the real-world applications of ACO algorithms. This talk will first briefly introduce the concept of ACO and its application for solving optimization problems and present some DOPs that are suitable for ACO methods to solve. Then, this talk will describe several detailed approaches developed for enhancing ACO methods for solving DOPs. Finally, some conclusions will be made based on the work presented and the future work on ACO for DOPs will be briefly discussed.

杨圣祥教授简介1999年获东北大学博士学位。1999-2012年,分别在英国King's College London(伦敦国王学院),University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)和 Brunel University(布鲁内尔大学)工作。现任英国De Montfort University(德蒙福特大学)计算机科学与信息学院教授和计算智能研究中心主任,湖南省“芙蓉学者计划”和北京市第十二批“海聚工程”入选专家。杨教授长期从事计算智能理论、方法及应用研究,在计算智能方法、进化计算求解动态优化问题、智能网络优化等方面的研究做出了突出贡献,其研究工作得到英国工程和物理科学基金会、英国皇家工程学会、英国皇家学会、欧盟以及工业界的大力资助,先后承担了20余项科研基金项目,总金额达200万英镑。出版英文编著2部,编辑国际会议论文集7部, 发表论文220多篇, 其中SCI期刊论文60余篇。杨教授应邀担任8种国际刊物的副主编或编委,担任国际大会程序委员会主席和分会主席30余次和国际会议程序委员会委员90多次,做国际会议大会报告或专题报告10次。

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