
报 告 人:横山隆一,日本早稻田大学名誉教授、环境能源技术研究所所长
报告题目:Resilient and Environment-Friendly Future Electric Power Grid by Effective Use of Sustainable Energy
内容简介:Many Asian countries, recently, experienced natural and accidental disasters such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and nuclear plant accidents causing catastrophic damage to infrastructures. All these experiences made the residents in the regions keenly aware of the needs for Infrastructure that is robust and resilient so that vital life-lines are secured in calamities. A paradigm shift has been taking place toward reorganizing the energy management practice in Japan and other countries by effective use of sustainable energy, such as solar and wind power. However, such power sources would affect the power grid through fluctuation of power output and the deterioration of power quality. Therefore, a new social infrastructure and novel energy management system to supply electric power would be required. In this presentation, features and developments of the “Clustered Microgrid, Smart Community and Super grid” which utilize renewable energy from solar and wind power are discussed.
报告人简介:Ryuichi Yokoyama received the degrees of B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1968, 1970, and 1974 respectively. After working in Mitsubishi Research Institute, from 1978 through 2007, he was a professor in the Faculty of Technology of Tokyo Metropolitan University. Since 2007, he had been a professor of the Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering in Waseda University. His fields of interests include planning, operation, control and optimization of large-scale environment and energy systems, and economic analysis and risk management of deregulated power markets. Now, he is a Professor Emeritus of Waseda University, a Life Fellow of IEEE, a Senior Life Member of IEE of Japan, a member of CIGRE. He is also Chairmen of Standardization Commissions of Electric Apparatus in METI Japan. He is a President of Consortium of Power System Technology of Japan and CEO of the Energy and Environment Technology Research Institute.
报 告 人:中西要祐,日本早稻田大学教授
报告题目:Supply–Demand control methods in the large penetration of intermittent Renewable energy
内容简介:Renewable energies (RE) such as photovoltaics (PV) and wind turbines (WT) are expected as the countermeasure of reducing the Green House Gas (GHG) and the energy security because of available energies in the own countries. However, the power system frequency might be fluctuated due to intermittent characteristics of such a renewable energy, especially, in case of a large rate of those energies in the power system.
In my lecture, I will outline the current and future trends of penetration of these renewable energies. And then, as measures against the above-mentioned problem, I will discuss the methods of load frequency control (LFC) and coordination control with power storage system at the Central Load Dispatching center. In addition, we introduce recent simulation technology for establishing such control technologies in Japan. In 20th December 2016, the committee of the Institute of Electrical Engineers in Japan (IEEJ) has issued the common models and platform for the simulation studies regarding “load frequency control (LFC)” and “economic load dispatch control (EDC)” with automatic generation control (AGC) included speed-governing. This IEEJ AGC30 model made with MATLAB/Simulink would be sold with CD-ROM.
Yosuke Nakanishi received the degree of B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Waseda University and Ph.D. from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1978, 1980, and 1996 respectively. He joined Fuji Electric Co. in 1980. After starting his career in R&D section, he has mainly dedicated himself to Power system analysis work as well as development of power system simulators and engineering programs for monitoring control systems. Now, he is a professor of the Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering in Waseda University. His research interests include simulation and analysis of power systems and distribution power systems. He received a Prize Paper Award from IEEE Power Engineering Education committee 1991. He is a senior member of the IEE of Japan, a member of IEEE and a member of CIGRE. He is also a convenor of Investigation Committee on Grid Technologies for large amount of Wind Power, IEEJ, and a member of Investigation Committee on history of power system analysis, IEEJ.
报 告 人:周意诚,早稻田大学客员研究员、富士通全球商务统括部高级经理
报告题目:Maturity Model and its Application in Smart City
内容简介:This presentation provides some basic contents for understanding the maturity model, and shows some examples which focused on the smart city areas. Based on these fundamental research results, this presentation also introduce the ISO DIS 37153 - “Smart community infrastructures – Maturity model for assessment and improvement” which was in the forefront of International Standardization development.
报告人简介:Yicheng Zhou received the B.S. and M.S. degree from Hunan University in China and received the Ph.D. degree from Tokyo Metropolitan University in1995 in Japan. He worked in Tepco Systems Corporation as a manager, engaged in the research and development of power system operation and planning. Since 2012, he has been a Senior Manager of Global Business Division, FUJITSU LIMITED. He recently works for International Standardization activity in Smart Grid and Smart City fields as an International Expert of IEC/TC 57/WG 21 and ISO/TC 268/SC 1. He also works as a Visiting Professor of Hunan University in China, a Guest Researcher in Waseda University in Japan, Guest lecture in Tokyo University of Technology. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, IEEJ, and an edit member of IEEJ.