




报告地点:信息楼澳门彩票有限公司 310报告厅


报告题目:Introduction to the Control and Operation Issues in Smart Grid


Topic 1Most control systems are designed based on a plant model. However, in practice it is extremely difficult to get a model that can describe the dynamics of the plant exactly. That is, there is a gap between the mathematical model and the physical system, which is referred to as model uncertainty.

In this lecture, we will illustrate in some detail the existence of model uncertainty through several examples. Then, it will be shown how to treat the control design in face of model uncertainty, which is known as robust control. This lecture covers the most popular methods in robust control, including the small-gain approach, the passivity approach and the Lyapunov approach.

Some industrial applications will also be touched on, if time permitting.

Topic 2Modern society is based on the vast consumption of energy. The energy may be in the form of kinetic, thermal or electrical. But most of them come from fossil energy sources such as petroleum and gas. The consumption of fossil energy brings about two serious problems: pollution of the environment and the depletion of fossil energy source.

As a clean, effective and promising alternate to the fossil energy source, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energies are being used to generate electrical power world-wide. This renewable energy based power network is known as smart grid. For the success of smart grid, we need not only the generation technology, but also a system integration technology to ensure the power quality.

This lecture illustrates the major problems related to the power quality and show the physical principles on how to resolve these problems. The topics include the characteristic of power system, economic operation of smart grid and control of energy storage systems.

报告人简介:1984年毕业于西北工业大学航空自动控制系,1988年和1991年分别获得日本千叶大学电子电气工程专业硕士和博士学位,后就职于千叶大学工学部,现为电气电子工程系教授。曾于2001年在美国Louisiana State University任教1年,是西北工业大学讲座教授、北京科技大学客座教授。


历任日本计测自动控制学会会刊、论文集编辑委员会控制小组的负责人,CCC-SICE Joint Conference 2015大会程序委员会日方主席,以及两家国际学术杂志副主编。已被选为2017年度计测自动控制学会理事。


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