

自动化学术论坛[2017第31期]:日本早稻田大学Ryuichi Yokoyama教授学术报告会




人:Ryuichi Yokoyama,日本早稻田大学(Waseda University)教授

报告题目:Resilient and Environment-Friendly Future Power Grids by Effective Use of 

                    Sustainable Energy

内容简介:Many Asian countries, recently, experienced natural and accidental disasters such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and nuclear plant accidents causing catastrophic damage to infrastructures. All these experiences made the residents in the regions keenly aware of the needs for Infrastructure that is robust and resilient so that vital life-lines are secured in calamities.

In the aftermath of the East Japan Earthquake of March 11 of 2011, the re-examination of infrastructure has led to a paradigm shift toward reforming the industrial organization on electricity with a full-fledged deregulation. The reforms are now presenting many new issues and challenges for redesigning infrastructure for energy. In particular, with the start of cross-regional operation of power systems, expansion of interconnecting transmission lines has become an urgent issue.

While the infrastructure issues for energy that Asian countries and islands face may be slightly of different nature, the common challenges are as follows:

1. Efficient supply system of electricity constitutes the most basic foundation for the welfare of the society.

2. Cultivation and utilization of renewable energy sources is urgent to protect the global environment.

3. Intelligent operation of the mix of different generating technologies entails designing a good transmission network.

However, such renewable energy sources would affect the power grid through fluctuation of power output and the deterioration of power quality. Therefore, a new social infrastructure and novel energy management scheme to supply stable electric power would be required.

In this presentation, the significance and features of Smart Community, Clustered Micro Grid and international power grid connection and developments of these resilient and environment-friendly future power grids for Asian countries and islands are discussed.

报告人简介:Ryuichi Yokoyama (Life Fellow of IEEE) received the degrees of B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1968, 1970, and 1974 respectively. After working in Mitsubishi Research Institute, from 1978 through 2007, he was a professor in the Faculty of Technology of Tokyo Metropolitan University. Since 2007, he had been a professor of the Graduate School of Environment and Energy Engineering in Waseda University. His fields of interests include planning, operation, control and optimization of large-scale environment and energy systems, and economic analysis and risk management of deregulated power markets. Now, he is a Professor Emeritus of Waseda University, a Life Fellow of IEEE, a Senior Life Member of IEE of Japan, a member of CIGRE. He is also Chairmen of Standardization Commissions of Electric Apparatus in METI Japan. He is a President of Consortium of Power System Technology of Japan and CEO of the Energy and Environment Technology Research Institute.


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