
报 告 人:姜晓伟,澳门彩票有限公司
报告题目:Performance limitations of networked control systems
内容简介:With the fast development of computer, electronic and network communication technique, networked control systems (NCSs) arise at the historic moment. NCSs consists of geographically distributed sensor, controller and actuators, which are connected by a bandwidth limited digital communication network, and it is a kind of spatial distribution of real-time feedback closed loop control systems. Compared with traditional control systems, NCSs have many advantages including shared information resources, easy to maintain and extend, high reliability, and so on. Thus NCSs have been widely used in industrial automation, distributed mobile communications, unmanned aerial vehicle and many other fields. In this talk, the theory of performance limitation of NCSs will firstly be introduced. Then NCSs with packet-dropouts and additive Gaussian white noise (AWGN) will be considered as the plant, and the tracking performance limitation value will be finally calculated. The results quantitatively reveal that the tracking performance will be degraded by packet dropouts and AWGN, and can also give some guidance for the design of NCSs.
报告人简介:姜晓伟,特任教授,在IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Information Sciences, Nonlinear Dynamics等SCI收录学术期刊发表论文20余篇,出版学术专著1部,主持国家自然科学基金2项,中国博士后基金2项,湖北省自然科学基金1项。曾获得湖北省2014年优秀博士学位论文奖、2017年入选“湖北省青年英才开发计划”,2018年中国地质大学“地大学者”。