



报告时间:3月11日(星期一)15:30-16:30 澳门彩票有限公司

报告地点:信息楼澳门彩票有限公司 310报告厅


(Dr. Satoru Homma, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan

报告题目:Automatic brain temperature control by selective brain hypothermia

内容简介:Selective brain hypothermia is discussed as a new clinical technique for the brain disorder. Proper solution in a controlled temperature is directly infused into the artery to cool down the brain through a catheter. Immune function of the whole body remains appropriate and thus, possible complications are less expected by the proposing method. Nevertheless, it is surgically not so easy because of its clinically invasive technique. Therefore, mathematical simulation is thought an effective method to study various cooling procedures, where the concerning mathematical head model constructed of 64,000 nodes is introduced to calculate the temperature transition and its distribution in the brain. Then, four basic algorithms such as PI, Fuzzy, Adaptive-gain & integral and Fuzzy-adaptive were examined for the control of the brain temperature within its desired range by use of our mathematical model. Several patterns of metabolic change were given. Further, in order to verify the above control algorithms some kinds of human head solid models were made of liquid tubes representing 20 major blood vessels and silicon rubbers to form the basic shape of the brain with embedding three film-type heaters for the heat production. The skull surrounding the brain was made of plaster. Thus, experimental systems for temperature management had a pretty good agreement with the results from the corresponding mathematical simulations.

报告人简介:Dr. Satoru Homma received his B.S.E. degree from Nihon University in 1993, B.H.S, M.H.S. and Ph. D. of Health Science degrees from Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 1997, 1999, and 2002, respectively. He has been an Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Health Sciences from 2003 to 2019, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU). He is an Adjunct Instructor at Saitama Prefectural University and Saitama Prefectural University since 2009, an Adjunct Instructor at Bunkyo Gakuin University since 2012, and an Adjunct Instructor at Tokyo University of Technology since 2017.

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