报 告 人:王瑶为,澳门彩票有限公司
报告题目:GESO Based Position Synchronization Control of Networked Multi-Axis Motion System
内容简介:Position synchronization errors significantly affect the multi-axis machining accuracy. At the same time, the network-induced delays add difficulty to the design of the synchronization controller for the multi-axis systems under network environment. This talk presents a useful solution to this problem with disturbance rejection to minimize the position synchronization errors of networked multi-axis machine tools. Both theoretical and experimental studies presented in this talk show that the proposed approach can be readily applied to reduce the effect of the network-induced delay in the synchronization performance and minimize the position synchronization errors in networked multi-axis machine applications.
报告人简介:王瑶为,2014年至2020年在浙江工业大学控制科学与工程专业硕博连读,并获得博士学位,2019年4月至2020年6月通过国家公派赴加拿大康考迪亚大学进行联合培养。参与多项国家与省级自然科学基金项目,发表论文十余篇,其中在IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics、IEEE Trans. Control of Network Systems和International Journal of Systems Science等SCI期刊发表论文8篇。已申请第一作者国家发明专利7项,其中已授权2项,公开5项;授权第一作者软件著作权1项,其它若干。主要研究方向为网络化控制和抗干扰控制及其应用等。