腾讯会议(会议ID:940 966 196)
报 告 人:胡豁生,英国埃塞克斯大学(University of Essex, UK)教授
报告题目:Behaviour-based Control of Autonomous Robots
内容简介:After recent advancement of computing and robotics technologies, intelligent robots are soon ready to serve us in our home, hospital, office and everywhere. They are mobile, autonomous and interactive, inspired from behaviour demonstration of biological systems. There are several new application opportunities for these behaviour-based robots to be deployed in air, on land and underwater. However, these robots face several engineering challenges. Firstly, they must deal with uncertainty within the systems, such as sensor noise, actuator inaccuracy, and components failure. Secondly, they must handle a huge uncertainty in the real world, which is dynamically changing over time. Thirdly, they must communicate with and navigate around humans in order to provide services. In this talk, I will briefly overview the current state of art behaviour-based robotics technologies and present our research work toward the development of advanced theory and technologies, based on inspiration from biological systems. More specifically, behaviour modelling, reactive control and swarm robotics are discussed respectively, and some preliminary results are demonstrated via video.
报告人简介:Huosheng Hu is a Professor in the School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex, leading the Robotics Research Group. He received the MSc degree in industrial automation from the Central South University in China and the PhD degree in robotics from the University of Oxford in the U.K. His research interests include behaviour-based robotics, human-robot interaction, service robots, embedded systems, data fusion, learning algorithms, mechatronics, and pervasive computing. He has published over 500 papers in journals, books and conferences in these areas, and received several best paper awards. Prof. Hu is a Fellow of Institute of Engineering & Technology, a Fellow of Institute of Measurement & Control, and a founding member of IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Technical committee on Networked Robots. He has been a Program Chair or a member of Advisory/Organising Committee for many international conferences such as IEEE IROS, ICRA, ICMA, ROBIO conferences. He is currently Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Automation and Computing, Editor-in-Chief for MDPI Robotics Journal, and Executive Editor for International Journal of Mechatronics & Automation.