




报告地点:信息楼澳门彩票有限公司 310报告厅、腾讯会议(ID: 503 985 251

人:韩清龙,澳大利亚斯威本科技大学(Swinburne University of Technology)教授

报告题目:Dynamic Event-Triggered Distributed Coordination Control and Its Applications

内容简介:Distributed coordination control is the current trend in networked systems and finds prosperous applications across a variety of fields, such as smart grids and intelligent transportation systems. One fundamental issue in coordinating and controlling a large group of distributed and networked agents is the influence of intermittent inter-agent interactions caused by constrained communication resources. Event-triggered communication scheduling stands out as a promising enabler to strike a balance between the desired control performance and the satisfactory resource efficiency. What distinguishes dynamic event-triggered scheduling from traditional static event-triggered scheduling is that the triggering mechanism can be dynamically adjusted over time in accordance with both available system information and additional dynamic variables. This plenary talk provides an up-to-date overview of dynamic event-triggered distributed coordination control. The motivation of dynamic event-triggered scheduling is first introduced in the context of distributed coordination control. Then some techniques of dynamic event-triggered distributed coordination control are discussed in detail. Implementation and design issues are well addressed. Furthermore, this plenary talk exemplifies two applications of dynamic event-triggered distributed coordination control in the fields of microgrids and automated vehicles. Several challenges are suggested to direct the future research.

报告人简历:韩清龙教授(Professor Qing-Long Han),Member of the Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe) (欧洲科学院院士), IEEE Fellow(电气电子工程师协会会士),FIEAust Fellow(澳大利亚工程师协会会士),现为澳大利亚 墨尔本 Swinburne University of Technology (斯威本科技大学)副校长和杰出教授。19973月于华东理工大学工业自动化专业获得博士学位。19979月至199812月在法国Université de Poitiers从事博士后研究,19991月至20018月在美国Southern Illinois University任研究助理教授,20019月至201412月在澳大利亚Central Queensland University任高级讲师、副教授、教授(讲座)和桂冠教授, 20073月至201412月任澳大利亚Central Queensland University高等教育部副部长(研究与创新)、智能与网络化系统科学研究中心主任。20151月至20164月在澳大利亚Griffith University任教授(讲座)、科学学部副部长(研究)。在IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuit Systems I: Regular Papers等国际重要期刊上发表了345篇论文,其中IEEE TransactionsAutomatica论文216篇。被国际学者Google Scholar引用33,331次,Google Scholar h-指数 (h-index): 102 202196Google Scholar数据);SCI引用23,951次,SCI他引21,405次,SCI h-指数 (h-index): 88, 引用国家30余个(202196Web of Science数据)。于2014年,2015,2016,2018年,2019年及2020年入选Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters)“高被引科学家。获得2021年度M. A. Sargent Medal,该奖是澳大利亚电气工程最高奖。获得2019年及2020年澳大利亚科研终身成就奖(《澳大利亚人报》评选),是工程与计算机类奖项的5名获奖人之一(Australia’s Top 5 Lifetime Achievers (Research Superstars) in the discipline area of Engineering and Computer Science in The Australian’s Research Magazine)。 获得2020IEEE系统、人与控制论学会Andrew P. Sage最佳论文奖(Best Transactions Paper Award),2020IEEE工业电子学会IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics杰出论文奖(Outstanding Paper Award), 2019IEEE系统、人与控制论学会Andrew P. Sage最佳论文奖(Best Transactions Paper Award)。曾担任IEEE工业电子学会网络控制系统及应用专委会主席(2014-2017)。于20216月被IEEE工业电子学会理事会任命为IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics共同主编(Co-Editor-in-Chief)。目前担任(曾担任)IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Control Engineering PracticeInformation Sciences13种期刊的编委。


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