310报告厅、ZOOM(ID:839 0267 3197,密码:972100)
报 告 人:中後大輔,日本关西学院大学(Kwansei Gakuin University)教授
报告题目:Robotic Assistive Technology in Human-Centered Environments
内容简介:Robot Technology (RT) is a technology to derive solutions to the societal problems and to create new values in the society by system integration. In addition to the research and development of service robotics, needs-driven approach is considered important to promote the societal dissemination.
In this presentation, the trends in research and development of robot technology for various services, such as rehabilitation, nursing care, etc., are introduced, as well as the issues on its societal dissemination and human understanding.
报告人简历:Prof. Daisuke Chugo received M. S., Eng. From Tokyo University of Science (東京理科大学) in 2002 and Dr., Eng. from Saitama University (埼玉大学) in 2005. He worked at The University of Tokyo (東京大学) in 2005 as a postdoctoral researcher, at The University of Electro-Communications (電気通信大学) from 2006 to 2008 as an assistant professor, and became a senior lecturer (2009), an associate professor (2013) and a professor of School of Engineering, the Kwansei Gakuin University since 2020. He received Best Paper Award at HSI2021@Gdansk, Poland, in 2021, SICE System Integration Division, System Integration Award for Outstanding Presentation in 2016, Toshio Fukuda Best Paper Award at ICMA2007@Harbin (哈尔滨市), China in 2007, and so on. Prof. Chugo is a Chair of Technical Committee on Human Factors, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society since 2021. He is a member of Needs-Seeds Coordination Council for Nursing Care Robots, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (日本国厚生労働省) since 2018. He is a member of IEEE, RSJ (日本ロボット学会), JSME (日本機械学会), SICE (計測自動制御学会), IEEJ (電気学会) and so on. His interesting is assistive robotics, service robotics, distributed autonomous robotic systems and cognitive ergonomics.