

自动化学术论坛[2021第95期]:波兰绿山大学Krzysztof Galkowski教授学术报告会



报告地点东教楼 & ZOOMID:853 0139 6764,密码:321723

人:Krzysztof Galkowski,波兰绿山大学(University of Zielona Gora)教授

报告题目:Iterative learning control---A Linear Repetitive Process Approach---Basics, 

                     Applications and Future Directions

内容简介:ITERATIVE learning control (ILC) has been especially developed for the commonly encountered case where a physical plant or system performs the same finite duration task over and over again. Each execution is termed a trial or passes in the literature. Examples include a robot executing a pick-and-place task, i.e., collect an object (or payload) from a location, transfer it over a finite duration, place it on a moving conveyor (or at a fixed location) under synchronization, return to the starting location for the next payload, and so on.

Applications such as pick-and-place robots can be controlled by specifying a reference trajectory and applying a control input on each trial whose objective is to enforce close tracking of this trajectory. In turn, this can be formulated by defining the error on each trial as the difference with respect to the reference trajectory (or vector for a multivariable example), and then, the design problem is to use control action to force this error to zero or to within some acceptable bound, as the number of trials increases.

In this lecture, we apply the repetitive processes approach, which are the subclass of multidimensional systems (systems with time and spatial dynamics). We present the basic results for ILC obtained from this standpoint, and show the experimental results obtained fot the gantry robot.

报告人简历:Krzysztof Gałkowski is the Professor of Technical Sciences in University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Automation, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and previously in Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, Institute of Physics.

He is a member of the editorial board of Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (Springer) and International Journal of Control and AE of IET Control Theory and Applications. His research interests include multidimensional (nD) systems and repetitive processes - theory and applications, control and in particular, Iterative Learning Control. He is a co-author/editor of 4 monographs/books, a few special issues of leading international journals, and currently over 380 papers in leading peer reviewed journals and in proceedings of international conferences. He is a long time co-operator with Eric Rogers (– Uni. Southampton – Great Britain co-organizer (with a series of international Workshops on multidimensional systems called NDS.

He was three times a Gerhard Mercator guest professor, funded by DFG, in The University of Wuppertal, Germany and cooperates with many Chinese Universities.

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