

自动化学术论坛[2021第84期]:德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学Andres Kecskemethy教授学术报告会



报告地点:东教楼 & ZOOMID818 0068 8063,密码:630277

人:Andres Kecskemethy,德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学

     University of Duisburg-EssenGermany)教授

报告题目:Overview and outlook of research projects at the Lab for Mechanics and Robotics based on kinematic and multibody dynamics

内容简介:The talk will firstly give an overview and outlook of research projects at the Lab for Mechanics and Robotics based on kinematic and multibody dynamics. The goal is to illustrate the potentials of kinematics and dynamics in today's research landscape, showing that the topic has big potentials for acquiring funding and for solving both academic as well as industrial and societal problems. Applications will range from automatic layout of waterslides over computer assistance systems for medical diagnosis and treatment of impaired walking after stroke to wearable sensors for estimating joint forces during outdoor running, among others.

The talk will also introduce the use of isotropy groups and invariant properties matrices IPM for the automatic detection of closed-form solutions and reciprocal screws in spatial kinematical chains. The computer modelling of spatial kinematical chains including their special geometry requires much experience and specialization by the designer to produce the most efficient or adequate form of the equations in order to take advantage of the architecture both in terms of mathematical representation and usability of design for application purposes. In this talk, a computerized, easy-to-apply method for automatically detecting the underlying characteristic structure of kinematical chains and their reducibility to simple geometric relationships invariant to changes of passive unknown joint motions is presented. The method is based on the concept of isotropy groups, which are known from group theory as the set of transformations which leave an element in the transformation domain unchanged.

报告人简历:Professor Kecskemethy was born in Lima, Peru and graduated from the University of Stuttgart in Mechanical Engineering in 1984, receiving his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Duisburg in 1993. From 1994 to 1995, he stayed as a senior guest researcher at the Centre for Intelligent Machines at McGill University with a fellowship from the German Research Foundation (DFG). In 1996, Dr. Kecskemethy was appointed Professor at the Technical University of Graz, where he held the Chair for Mechanics until 2002. In 2002, Professor Kecskemethy moved to the University of Duisburg-Essen, where he holds the Chair for Mechanics and Robotics at the Institute of Mechatronics and System Dynamics. He was Editor-In-Chief of the Journal Mechanism and Machine Theory from 2004 to 2015. He served as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and as Chairman of the Senate of the University Duisburg-Essen. His memberships include the German Engineering Association VDI and the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science IFToMM. Since 2013, he was IFToMM Germany Chair, and since 2020 he is IFToMM President for the term 2020-2023. Professor Kecskemethy has worked in the areas of kinematics and dynamics of multibody systems, covering topics such as modelling and control of mechatronic systems, vehicle dynamics, design of legged machines, biomechanics, virtual reality as well as medical and heavy-weight robotics. He has organized several international conferences (IAK 2008, IAK 2013, IAK 2018, ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics 2019), has been Editor-In-Chief of the Journal Mechanism and Machine Theory from 2004 to 2015, and is the author of more than 230 proceedings and journal papers.


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