310报告厅、ZOOM(ID: 538 149 5418,密码: 377739)
报 告 人:Bhushan Gopaluni,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)教授
报告题目:Dancing with Data: An Engineer’s Choreography
内容简介:We are currently at the dawn of what is considered the fourth industrial revolution. This revolution is driven by a combination of internet connected devices, large volumes of data, significant computing power and major algorithmic advances in artificial intelligence. It presents a unique opportunity for process industries to interpret data in new ways and derive information necessary to enable intelligent decisions at various levels of operation.
We will start with an introduction to major recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and describe how they can be used to solve problems in process modelling, fault detection and diagnosis and control. In particular, we will take the audience through a journey of process data analytics that includes traditional multivariate statistical approaches as well as more modern tools such as variational auto encoders and deep neural networks. This will be followed by a quick tour of reinforcement learning and its potential to change the decision and control paradigm as we know it today. The talk will be interspersed with several relevant industrial and simulated examples.
报告人简历:Bhushan Gopaluni is a professor in the department of chemical and biological engineering and an Associate Dean for Education and Professional Development in the faculty of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia. He is also an associate faculty in the Institute of Applied Mathematics, the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems, Pulp and Paper Center and the Clean Energy Research Center. He was the Elizabeth and Leslie Gould Teaching Professor from 2014 to 2017. He is currently an associate editor for Journal of Process Control, The Journal of Franklin Institute and Results in Control and Optimization.
Bhushan received a Ph.D. from the University of Alberta in 2003 and a Bachelor of Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras in 1997 both in the filed of chemical engineering. From 2003 to 2005 he worked as an engineering consultant at Matrikon Inc. (now Honeywell Process Solutions) during which he had designed and commissioned multivariable controllers in British Columbia’s pulp and paper industry, and had implemented numerous controller performance monitoring projects in the Oil & Gas and other chemical industries. He is the recipient of Killam Teaching Prize and the Dean’s service medal from the University of British Columbia and D.G. Fisher Award in Process Control from Canadian Society for Chemical Engineers.